Managing Stress

Managing Stress

Duration: 1 day

Target audience:

Employees, at any level, needing to develop strategies for managing stress in the workplace will benefit from this course.
It is also beneficial for leaders and team managers who struggle to cope with a stressful job role and/or who need to know more about stress and strategies to deal with it, both for their own and their team members’ benefit.

Course overview:

This course will help participants deal with and manage stress, by using strategies to either reduce the causes of stress or relieve stress when it cannot be avoided.


At the end of this training course participants will be able to:

  • Explain what stress is, including its symptoms and how it can affect them
  • Identify the causes of stress
  • Use stress management strategies
  • Identify the causes of and manage stress in the workplace
  • Develop a stress management plan and make stress management a habit