
Menopause in the workplace

Target audience:

This training is designed for both male and female employees.
It will help managers and team leaders to better understand how they can support those going through peri menopause and menopause, and HR departments who want to better understand how they can amend or create policies to include the menopause.

Course overview:

Menopausal women are the fastest growing demographic in the workplace. These women are at the peak of their careers, with a broad skillset and years of experience under their belt. They are at the top of their game and yet due to a lack of support in the workplace and outdated policies which do not factor in the debilitating symptoms a quarter of them will experience, they are leaving in masses.
The aim of this training is to raise awareness of the menopause, understand how it affects women in the workplace and learn how to support team members who are experiencing symptoms. The workshop encourages discussions on why we need to address the stigma surrounding menopause and what organisations can do to support their female employees.

Please note that the course does NOT include any medical advice.


At the end of this training course participants will be able to:

• Understand what the menopause is and how it can affect women’s lives
• Outline why it is important to raise awareness of the menopause in the workplace
• Identify ways to support women at work who go through the menopause
• Learn simple changes an employer can do to working environments to help manage symptoms
• Have open conversations with their female employees on how the menopause is affecting them in the workplace


Mental Health Awareness

Target audience:

This course is suitable for everyone. Managers, HR departments and employees at every level.

Course overview:

This course will help participants recognise potential signs of distress in other members of staff. The idea is not for them to become experts in mental health, but to at least be able to spot if someone needs support and to be more sympathetic. The course will stimulate discussions on why it is important to support mental health at work, why we need to address the stigma surrounding it, and what organisations can do to support their employees.


At the end of this training course participants will be able to:

  • Define mental health
  • Identify symptoms of mental health problems
  • Discuss why it is important to support mental health in the workplace
  • Discuss strategies to support mental health at work
CategoriesBespoke courses

Lorem Ipsum

Target audience:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi efficitur justo sit amet eros viverra viverra. Suspendisse accumsan et metus sit amet sagittis. Vivamus aliquet dapibus elit, quis hendrerit felis viverra ac. Morbi tincidunt risus sed ipsum sollicitudin bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque quam lorem, semper a ante sed, imperdiet bibendum leo

Course overview:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi efficitur justo sit amet eros viverra viverra. Suspendisse accumsan et metus sit amet sagittis. Vivamus aliquet dapibus elit, quis hendrerit felis viverra ac. Morbi tincidunt risus sed ipsum sollicitudin bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque quam lorem, semper a ante sed, imperdiet bibendum leo


At the end of this training course participants will be able to:

CategoriesPersonal Development

Developing Assertiveness

Target audience:

This half a day course is for anyone that needs to develop their assertiveness skills and improve communication with others.

Course overview:

Being assertive is being able to express yourself with confidence without having to resort to passive, aggressive or manipulative behaviour. By developing assertiveness and becoming aware of our own strengths and weaknesses, we can modify our behaviour for greater effectiveness in social and business interactions.

This course will give participants an opportunity to recognise and begin to use assertive behaviour.


At the end of this Assertiveness training course participants will be able to:

  • Explain what assertiveness is and what it means for us and those around us
  • Identify the differences between assertive, aggressive, and passive behaviour
  • Identify their preferred behaviour style in certain situations
  • Develop an assertiveness agenda for themselves
  • Explain the advantages of being assertive
  • Take a positive approach in communicating more effectively
  • Appreciate which words to use to get the most out of interactions with others
CategoriesPersonal Development

Effective Communication Skills

Target audience:

Every job, no matter what it is, requires excellent communication capabilities. If you want to progress in your role, you need to be able to both express yourself clearly and be able to listen and understand the needs, wants and intentions of others when they communicate. Therefore, this training course is suitable for everyone in any role.

Course overview:

Being able to communicate effectively is a cornerstone to building positive working relationships; it will enable you to build rapport, develop relationships and feel comfortable and confident around others. This course teaches how to respond appropriately during difficult conversations and feel less pressure when communicating with superiors and peers.


At the end of this Effective Communication training course participants will be able to:

  • Communicate clearly and get their message across
  • Encourage others to open up and speak freely with them
  • Communicate confidently with people at all levels
  • Cope with difficult communication situations
CategoriesPersonal Development

Time Management Skills

Target audience:

This time management course is designed for a wide range of people, from managers to employees at any level. It is perfect for anyone who is looking to save time to improve productivity, particularly in the workplace.

Course overview:

During this course, participants will have the opportunity to explore their own use of time and how it impacts their work and life balance.
Participants will have the chance to use their own analytical skills to evaluate the concept of time, its impact, methods and techniques for utilising it effectively.


At the end of this training course participants will be able to:

  • Examine their current use of time and their strengths and weaknesses in managing their time
  • Identify the things that stop them from using their time efficiently
  • Employ techniques that will help them tackle procrastination
  • Prioritize tasks by importance and urgency
  • Set smart goals and objectives
  • Apply techniques that will enable them to deal with interruptions from others and say ‘no’ when needed
  • Implement techniques for maximising the use of their time
  • Plan their own time management course of action
CategoriesPersonal Development

Emotional Intelligence

Target audience:

This course is extremely useful for team members who wish to work together more effectively and for managers and leaders who would like to inspire and motivate their team.

Course overview:

The course teaches participants the importance of emotional intelligence and how to develop their emotional intelligence abilities.
They will see why emotional intelligence at work is important and the role of staff, managers, and the organisation as a whole to ensure that employees and organisations have a good level of emotional intelligence.


At the end of this Emotional Intelligence training course participants will be able to:

  • Identify what emotional intelligence is and why it is important
  • Find ways to recognise and manage their emotions
  • Identify techniques to recognise and inspire emotions in others
  • Examine the application of emotional intelligence at work
  • Set up an action plan to foster their emotional intelligence
CategoriesPersonal Development

Handling Difficult People

Target audience:

This training course is suitable for everyone in an organisation who may face difficult working relationships, such as leaders, managers, teams, or individuals.

Course overview:

The aim of this training course is to help participants to develop strategies for dealing with challenging behaviours. During the course, participants will be encouraged to separate people from the behaviours they exhibit, in order to avoid taking it personally and assume a more detached attitude.
In addition, the focus is not just directed towards the people that participants may have to deal with, but there is also an element of self-reflection, whereby participants are encouraged to analyse their own behaviours.


At the end of this Dealing with Difficult People training course participants will be able to:

  • Identify types of difficult people, their behaviours, and their intents
  • Apply strategies to deal with difficult behaviours
  • Reflect on their own attitudes and behaviours
CategoriesPersonal Development

Conflict Management

Target audience:

This training course is very useful for those who must deal with conflict on a regular basis because of their role.
However, anyone can benefit from this conflict management training course since everybody will come across conflict at one point or another in their career.

Course overview:

The course introduces participants to the main concepts related to conflict handling strategies. Participants will learn what conflict is, different strategies to deal with it, and how conflict develops. They will also discuss what skills are needed to handle conflict successfully and they will learn some principles of conflict resolution.


At the end of this training course participants will be able to:

  • Discuss what conflict is, how it develops, and the different types of conflict
  • Identify methods and strategies to manage conflict
  • Identify the skills needed to deal with conflict effectively
  • Outline the steps of a conflict resolution plan
CategoriesPersonal Development

Negotiation Skills

Target audience:

This training course is very useful for those who must deal negotiation as part of their role.

Course overview:

This course covers a wide range of topics such as negotiation strategy, game theory, psychological tactics, human emotional states and bargaining. It prepares delegates for a variety of situations which require negotiation. Case studies and scenarios such as business to business negotiations, sales scenarios and product presentations are provided, along with animations and illustrations that show how bargaining tactics are played out.


At the end of this training course participants will be able to:

  • Understand the underlying principles of negotiation and learn what they can do to get the best outcome
  • Use a negotiation strategy that moves them closer to a win/win outcome
  • Prepare for negotiation by following a step-by-step approach and set their critical limits
  • Use a set of psychological tactics to explore the other side’s motives and learn how to respond to tactics used by them
  • Derive specific values based on their negotiation variables and use them to bargain systematically over their settlement range
  • Finalise the outcome of their negotiation to get exactly what they have asked for